Here is a Cute Tag to do...

Take the Baby Blank to a IM...


Do the Grass Bar at South+0+40

~Grass Bar~

Now the Font...

Caps or Not Both the Same

Fill=Green and Stroke=darkorange

At South+0+40


Den=72 and Width=1

Size=100 For My Name

Make your Name Big...

~Springtime Font~

Now When Your Name is Right...

Do The Butterflies Where ever You Like

They are 2 Diffrent Ways

My LEFT one was NorthWest+20+75


My RIGHT one was NorthEast+20+125


Put Them Where You Like...

Now Resize it to 375 Height

Now do Output as

Singlefile and jpg

Now TL it

I Love This One

It is So Cute...
