Here is a Cute Swingy Tag to do...

Put the Flower Bar In your F-Key

Take The Bird Cage with You to the IM

You are Going To Make a Black BG

At The IM

Scroll Down in the Boxes Put...


Size 350x350

Format = xc


Now The Font...

It is a IM Font

Queens Park Bold


At North+0+5

Fill=white and Stroke=cornflowerblue

Den=72 and Width=2 Size=60 for My Name

When You Name is Right...

Do The BirdCage

Put it Nice on a Letter

Mine was North -10+50

~Bird Cage~

When You Have the Bird Cage on a Letter Nice

Do The Flowers...

I did Mine South+0+25

~Flower Bar~

Now If Everything is Right

Do Output

it is GIF and Multifile and Quality=30

Scroll Down Make Sure Loop is 0

Or it won't keep doing the Ani

Now TL it

I really Like this One

If you do one Show us OK?
