Sandy,Sharon,Janet And Jim


Me and my Babydoll~Noah

My Son David an his son Noah

David,Ashley and Sweet Noah

David and Noah


Me and My Youngest,,Thelma

My Sunshine~Noah

Noah at Christmas

Ashley,my daughter n law and her son,,,Noah

Emmy,my great great neice,my sweety

Newest Baby,Isaac,,,He's a doll

Bradly,my second grandson,,,Mike's son

Angel Noah

Isaac~~Adorable(great great nephew)

Mary's Grandson~Caden

Caden~Great great nephew

Linda,,my oldest child and 1st daughter

Mike~my 1st son

Charles~my 4th son

David~my 5th son

My Thelma,2nd daughter and baby

Gage~my 1st great grandson

Isaac~My Sweety

Isaac~my great great nephew,,what a smile

Joel~my 2nd great grandson,,born jan.1

Karrie(my 2nd grand daughter and Joel)

Olivia and Caden~Kissing Cousins
My great gr neice an great gr nephew

Kristin my 1st grandchild and her 2nd son,,Joel

Kristin and Karrie~Sisters

Mary and Caden

Moviestar Noah

My Sunshine

Noah taking a bath

Noah eating a peep

Olivia,,Pat's Daughter,,isnt she a doll

Pat,Kevin and Mary

John and Sandy,,Mary,s kids

Sandy and Kids


Mary and Sandy